Saturday, 31 March 2018

SET college Coimbatore

  2. contact them for your  admission for
  3. Advantages: You can pay your fees in instalments.
  4. It functions even on holidays.
  5. All courses are run by Expert professors and faculties.
  6. Ring up: now: mobile: 98427-53006, 94427-53006
  7. 2213006,9842453006.9842453006
  8. For Alagappa University , Periyar University
  9. for further details contact the Set study centre and get the benefit.
  10. Wish you good luck
  11. MBA. Mgt. education,Project,Retail, Corporate, system,Banking and Finance, Hospital,Tourism, Technology,Marketing, Production and operations, Corporate secretaryship, International, Human Resource, Logistics and Financial mgt. courses

Is 13 an Unlucky number???

Great people born on 13th