Sunday, 1 April 2018


Six to Nineteen.
The counting is and 12.
Then the counting starts as THIRTEEN,14,15,16,17,18,19.
The teen ends with nineteen.

Everyone , the boy or the girl and the youth passes this stage.
They realise this when they reach their right age to understand the significance of this.

6 7 8 9 10 11 these are the ages his awareness  about everything is more and also about the surroundings.He uses his inquisitiveness to know more and more and understands how each one reacts to his actions.

He learns many things about life.
Slowly and gradually he becomes the youth of 11 and 12.
.He watches the growth of moustache and he feels that he has become a man in mind and copies,emulates his brothers ,father and all elders.
He buys a razor or sometimes uses his father's shaving cream and brush and the razor.

His walking style changes and so his activities.
He used to play with the kids on the mud or the shallow water.
Now he realizes that he is youth and does not mix up with children lesser than his age.Like water finds his own level,he selects his age group friends.His dress habits also change. 

When he becomes 13 , he gets an added attraction towards the opposite sex. He comes to know more about that area and likes to watch T.V. shows the exhibits of the showy  girls and women and the present day movies and serials this exhibitions are much more kindling his latent emotions and if he is not getting the right company that leads him to the path of destruction and bad company finally ending him in life imprisonment or a sentence for many years.His whole life is gone.

So he has to be very careful and see that he does not fall in this trap.He must find ways and means to go in the constructive and positive ways and to go ahead in his life to achieve Great things and to become Great and leave a name behind him for other youngsters to follow him.

I wish boys and Girls try to use your TEEN age to become great.Read the lives of the Great Men of all ages.Your attractions and fascinations will ditch you.

Be careful! Take care! Teens is the right time to Excel!!!!

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